CONSORTEX Project is sailing at full speed in Bilbao

On the 18th of June 2019, a seminar entitled "CONSORTEX: Building a Solid Supply for the Global Market" has been held in Bilbao, at the headquarters of Foro Marítimo Vasco. The purpose of this meeting has been to keep informed the companies which have been involved in CONSORTEX project in the Basque Country, the project progress, the companies that have joined it in the five participating countries and the steps to be taken from now until the consortia incorporation, which is scheduled for March 2020.
The event was opened by Javier López de Lacalle, General Manager of Foro Marítimo Vasco, welcoming the attendees, thanking them for their presence, and making a contextualisation of the object of the event within the development of the project.
Marimar Sánchez, International Projects Coordinator of Foro Marítimo Vasco, reviewed the steps taken by the project since its inception, especially its most important milestones, the documents that have been prepared and the meetings that have been held, highlighting the importance of the collaboration with the Portuguese, Breton, Irish and British partners.
Subsequently, Víctor Lejarreta, CONSORTEX Project Coordinator, spoke about the next planned  steps, with special emphasis on the decisions that will be taken at the fourth partners meeting to be held in Vigo on July 3 and 4: definition of the consortia, assignment of companies and determination of the headquarters of each one. He also explained in detail the methodology that has been developed and the objective and length of each of the three meetings that will serve to incorporate each consortium.
The event continued with the contributions of the attendees and was closed again by the General Manager, who took the opportunity to inform of the presence that both Foro Marítimo Vasco and CONSORTEX project will have at ITECHMER fair that will be held in Lorient (France) in October this year, encouraging them to participate in it.

The staff members of Foro Marítimo Vasco with the representatives of Obeki, Glual, Skandiaverken, G. Elexalde, Navacel and Cintranaval